So I met this 2016 Democratic presidential candidate named Howell Astor after he followed me on twitter and he was nice enough to put up with my ridiculousness and let me interview him. I'll post a link to his website after the interview:DYLAN: "so what kind of interview do you want? we can do a serious one where your totally serious or we can do a funny one where I ask you questions I crowdsourced at the highschool today"
Howell: "I am good either way. Usually in HS students are more kicked back If you want to make it more fun, I am good with that"
DYLAN: "Alright is there anybody under the age of 27 that can help you translate slang words? Also do you know the phonetic alphabet? were you in any wars? Some kid wrote their question in military code or whatever and I can read it I just wanna see if you can, because as president your gonna have to read lots of secret documents ya'know. Whiskey Hotel yankee BREAK sierra hotel oscar uniform lima delta BREAK yankee oscar uniform BREAK bravo echo BREAK papa romeo echo sierra india delta echo nevada tango BREAK BREAK"
Howell: "I am a Blue Collar guy. I didn't have the pleasure of serving however I am sure one of my guys can interpret this code. Curious now. Whiskey?"
DYLAN: "Ok one kid just wrote "Illumanati?" so I guess this questions open to your interpretation. Next question after the illumanati one is "trump- bae or nay?""
Howell: "Three idiots reading endlessly drama BREAK Obama freak BREAK
Great Oscillating virgins endeavoring retarded numeric music BREAK. Lumanati? Sounds like cool drink. Trump is better than Hillary. I am better than trump. I would presume the "kid" who wrote that luminati would not have knowledge of ISIS. I thought this was a comical interview."
DYLAN: "You dont know what the illuminati is? Its like some secretive group at the middle of every crazy conspiracy theory. Ok my friend cleetus wanted specifics
"do you support the gays? If so what's your favorite type of gay?"
Howell: "I believe that gay marriages should be decided upon by their given state via a vote. It should be voted for or against and the majority wins. gay marriages is a highly debated subject. Let Democracy work and let it be voted on by the people. I don't get into conspiracy theories. I am just amazed that as a Presidential Candidate I didn't have to show any ID....even if I win True!"
DYLAN: "They weren't really asking what you thought about it policy wise just as a person."
Howell: "Personal feelings can't be considered when making decisions for the entire country. That is what got us in the mess we are now in."
DYLAN: "Okee Dokee"
It was a slow day at the high school I didn't manage to get that many questions, sorry.
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