Thursday, January 21, 2016

Big important fancy meeting at Chautauqua hall (WITH SANDWHICHES)

Hello! This is Dylan gentile here trying out a new way to post stuff to only in Defuniak because my computer is uber jacked up! So let's cut the filler and get right to what you want to hear, if you're not involved in local politics you are probably completely oblivious to this massively important meeting that I'm talking about which will most likely influence your everyday life. :( keep up citizen, geez. Anyways I got a uber mysterious email inviting me to this uber mysterious event from the mayors office and then another one from my old boss who may or may not be the city grant writer, requesting me to invite 5 friends. 4 actually showed up! NEW RECORD!
The meeting was about Defuniak Springs being selected for some state program, competitive Florida or something that would help get grants for stuff and analyze data. There were lots of big important people in really fancy clothes: which given  the meeting was invite only and the prestigious city of Defuniak was running the show, it was not surprising.
This wise old African American woman stood up and spoke on behalf of her neighborhood, which used to be a bustling cultural center, but is now falling apart. My friends that had never heard this type of speech before started to tear up. Not long afterwords Hunter Bardisa stood up and gave this amazing impromptu speech that received a standing ovation. Hes really cool, I'll have to put up a interview with him at some point. Then there was free food, some people gave lectures about the program, and I inadvertently started a coalition of teen activists. :/ life is weird. We're actually having a meeting at city hall at 4:30 on Wednesday.
Anyways the meeting was awesome, I threw some shade at the community traffic safety team, we ate free food, and I get to dress like a rich guy. So all in all I give all I give this 4.2/5 stars! :)

Also my friend ate too many of those muffins cooked with rum and we were pretty sure she got drunk.
Drunk on muffins.
That's new. \_(._.)_/

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