An adorable elderly couple walks up to the podium. The wife owns piggly wiggly (the southern version of stop and shop #saltlife) and the husband, I don't know, maybe he helps own the piggly wiggly. Anyways for some reason they need more room for customer parking (that doesn't really make any sense to me because at any given time their parking is less than half full), so they wanted to have their employees park in the back of the building. A argument breaks out between Councilman Carpenter who's on a rebellious streak and the couple. I actually quoted them and wrote this down, I didn't find it necessary to reword it to be funny :
COUNCILMAN CARPENTER: "Well actually legally the surface needs to be impervious for people to park on it and for it to be impervious that means water can't pass through it."
GROCERY STORE OWNER: "Well isn't that just an assumption?" (she means the definition of impervious)
COUNCILMAN CARPENTER: "No that's engineering"
GROCERY STORE OWNER: "Well are you an engineer?" *sarcastically*
GROCERY STORE OWNERS HUSBAND: "Listen, do you have a problem with me?" *stares down councilman*
So that happened. So I think we should have a hashtag on this blog for a city official at the end of every article.
BTW if you didn't get the title slag is a type of gravel-like concrete that becomes impervious as you drive over it. #planning joke
On another note, city elections are coming up, and as people who are reading this and probably you know,actually care about the future of the city it's your job to get out and vote.
In my opinion James Hurley should be the city marshall in the next election because hes cool, sent me a nice email and has a epic goatee but whatever your opinion is your opinion. We're not voting for mayor or anything yet, although in the future when it becomes time to do so y'all better vote for Shaynee Betts, but there are several council seats up, and I think I'll interview them and ask their opinions on certain issues so you can know who to vote for. Stay strong Defuniakers, also you better get off your butts and vote.

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