Friday, January 16, 2015


The finance director was fired. That title was misleading, I know, I'm sorry. However it is a true story. I have literally no idea why he was fired but based off an interaction I had with him it might just be his philosophy given his job position. So, there I was in the billing department of city hall, (the most uneventful part of city hall sorry cindy) where his office happens to be and we were talking about books, and I said since he managed and analyzed the cities money he should read freakonomics, and the unwinding by George Packerman. He told me I should read atlas shrugged, and that it was "a really good book". If you don't know the basis of this book, it's basically the libertarian manifesto, and all the poor people in the book were just sucking off welfare while government projects and taxes were just impoverishing the rich people. Ok so, if he applied that to his job it's no wonder it took several months to get funding for ONE sidewalk on ONE road (north 20th street). Is that also why the sales tax here was so low? I haven't the slightest clue to why he was fired though, if you know why just leave the reason in the comments and I'll update the article.

1 comment:

  1. I just spent 20 minutes responding to this and it all dissapeared when I had to enter my google password. I am so pissed right now.
