Visitor from a world away mystifies local townsfolk with fancy talk

What is this strange creature? It's called a politician. For years locals had rumored this mythical creature to exist, but had no evidence to support their claims until now. It comes from a city so far away we never would have guessed it was a real place, we call it Jak-u-sun-vu-ill, or in fancy english talk, Jacksonville. Apparently within this city is a building which produces these creatures, it is famed to be over 2 stories tall, but is not a hotel or luxury condo complex. It is called the KA-U-PI-TUL. Or in fancy english, a capitol. This creatures name was Don Gaetz. The strange intruder into our tiny community just so happened to come in peace, and asked to talk to our (community) LEADER (s). We greatfully accepted this creatures requests and there were several complaints of another foreign species SIR-A- VAY- U- ERS (surveyors) that have been invading our native lands, and requested help from this strange creature from JAK-USON-UV-ILL (jacksonville) to fend them off. Another citizen said that the civilization within district one had needed to fend off a colony northword of the current location , in order to keep rights to the civilizations water supply. Lastly one more citizen that was slightly less mysterious came from a world even further away than
JAK-U-SUN-VU-ILL and was able to communicate effectivley with this strange organism, after which the creature complimented the strange citizen on being able to effectivley convey language at the minimum required rate for understanding.
Am I articulate still Mr.Gaetz ?
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