Okay guys, you heard it right. The water fountain next to the tennis court by live oak rd said "whites only", until I came along of course. My african american friend Alan Lane, who is also the commander of the local JROTC corps, on the way to pizza hut with me in the back of his pickup truck and his best friend who's name I can't remember in the passenger seat said that there was some fountain by the tennis court on live oak that said "whites only" on it. I said I didn't believe him so he took me to the fountain and I was like "oh crap". It was right across from councilman Kelly's house too. I promised him that something would be done and I stuck to it, mostly because I thought it was totally ridiculous that it still existed, and partly because Alan was about to buy me pizza. The next day I went to city hall and asked the director of public works to remove it, at which he replied "I'll look at it". A week later I checked and the "whites only" was still there, so the next day at city hall I told Lorretta Laird, the local city planner about it, she didn't even know this existed. She called public works and asked if they'd take a look at it, so apparently they did. The next day at school I showed all the teachers and students I could the picture on my phone and gave them the public works department number, so basicallly this was a small-scale organized political takeover. So after like a month of pressure from community activists (me and Shayne Betts), the public and city officials public works covered the words up with plaster! You could easily call me a social justice warrior now I suppose.

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