Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Local JROTC gets their own drone

Okay, okay. So you might be thinking "WHAT!? A DRONE!?" but calm down public, this drone is not used to bomb things, trust me, we do not get nearly enough funding for that. The school was trying to nab at state money like crazy, all the teachers were writing grant proposals here and there and everywhere! The photography teacher Mr.Zachos for new cameras, Ms.Hollington, a math teacher for graphing calculators, and Colonel Gardener for a freaking drone apparently. So I wore my uniform today and I wasn't suppose to (just don't ask I'm an idiot) so instead of playing dodgeball I set up the stereo system for the staff computer. yes pick the kid with glasses he probably knows. Then all of the sudden, colonel pulls a flying robot out of the freaking cabinet. He asks me to carry it and we bring it out to the plaza by where the other cadets were playing dodgeball and he starts flying the thing. So kids from the area gather together to watch in awe, as the colonel uses a smartphone app to controll a flying death machine mounted with a camera. It was truly amazing. My rating:
Honestly, anyone who has not assisted in the liftoff of a flying robot can never be a real man. Or women. I'm not sexist plz don't think that.

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